For information on the Queen Elizabeth I Society, please visit our Facebook page (
The Queen Elizabeth I Society will meet during the South-Central Renaissance Conference to be held March 3 – 5, 2022 at the University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa. The QEIS seeks short, cogent talks on matters Elizabethan. We welcome work on history, literature, art, queenship, or other topics related to Elizabeth I and her reign.
An online abstract submission form is available at Click on “Submission Portal.” Be sure to choose QEIS under "Panel Groupings.". The deadline for submitting abstracts is December 15, 2021. The deadline for submissions for the 2021 QEIS Conference has been extended to Monday, December 28, 2020. See the Call for Papers page for more details.
Dear Members of the Queen Elizabeth I Society:
I hope this letter finds you well. The South Central Renaissance Conference has elected to hold this year’s conference in a digital format, so we will meet in March, but not in person. The conference dates are March 25 – 27, 2021. If you had a paper accepted last year, your paper will automatically be accepted this year if you send in a new abstract. I attach the Call for Papers below for your information. Last year’s abstract or a new abstract for this year must be submitted via the SCRC website by December 18, 2020. In addition to the scholarly panels, we will arrange for a socially-distanced social event for the Queen Elizabeth I Society. In lieu of our annual auction, we will instead ask each of you to tell us about your recent accomplishments, to show off a talent, or to do both. We welcome songs, dances, short poems, musings on matters Elizabethan, or any other ways you might delight us. We will hold this event at our usual time—the Friday evening of the conference—and all are welcome. I realize this has been a very difficult year for you all, and I hope that we will have an opportunity this spring to remind ourselves of the value of our work as we meet and share our research on Elizabeth and her reign. I will be happy to answer any questions you might have about the conference, although the best place to start is with the SCRC website, My contact information is below. I hope that all is well with each of you. Very truly yours, Catherine Loomis President, Queen Elizabeth I Society [email protected] Dear QEIS Members,
I write with sad news: The South Central Renaissance Conference has had to cancel our March, 2020 conference due to the Covid-19 outbreak. Many of our panelists had already been forced to cancel because of travel issues, and we hope that all of you will be able to join us when we re-convene next year. Our conference is a rare and wonderful opportunity to share works-in-progress with an audience of gifted listeners, and I am sorry we will not have that opportunity this year. We will all miss the Queen’s Attic Auction, too. For those of you who already registered for the conference, you will hear, or have already heard, from SCRC regarding refunds. For those of you who were intending to register at the conference, please remember to pay your dues for this year so that you can be included in next year’s announcements. In the meantime, I am hoping that you all are well, that you all remain well, and that our lives return to normal very soon. Please let me know if you have any questions about the cancellation. I look forward to seeing you all very soon. Yours, Catherine Dr. Catherine Loomis President, Queen Elizabeth I Society [email protected] The Queen Elizabeth I Society will meet during the South-Central Renaissance Conference to be held March 26-28, 2020 at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. The QEIS seeks short, cogent talks on matters Elizabethan. We welcome work on history, literature, art, queenship, or other topics related to Elizabeth I and her reign.
An online abstract submission form is available at Click on “Submission Portal.” Be sure to check the box directing your abstract to the QEIS. The deadline for submitting abstracts is December 16, 2019. The Queen Elizabeth I Society will meet during the South-Central Renaissance Conference to be held April 11-13, 2019 at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas. The QEIS seeks short, cogent talks on matters Elizabethan. We welcome work on history, literature, art, queenship, or other topics related to Elizabeth I and her reign.
An online abstract submission form is available at on “Submission Portal.” Be sure to check the box directing your abstract to the QEIS. The deadline for submitting abstracts has been extended to December 31, 2018. Conference attendees may now submit abstracts for the 2018 QEIS Annual Meeting in Atlanta, GA. See our CFP page for more details.
Dora Thornton, Curator of Renaissance Europe for the British Museum, discusses miniature portraits of Elizabeth I in jewelry. More of her thoughts on depictions of Elizabeth I can be found at
The Seventeenth Century’s latest Virtual Special Issue, with free access, is ‘Early Modern Women in Public and in Private’, and it is available via
There are 16 articles in this VSI, and an additional 10 articles for ‘Further Reading’. The latter group have also been given free access, but only through the VSI page on the link above. Thanks to Richard Maber, Editor of The Seventeenth Century, and Brandie Siegfried, for the notice. |